Sustainable Tourism

As more regions and countries develop their tourism industry, it produces significant impacts on natural resources, consumption patterns, pollution and social systems.

The need for sustainable/responsible planning and management  is imperative for the industry to survive.

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism means tourism which is economically viable but does not destroy the resources on which the future of tourism will depend, notably the physical environment and the social fabric of the host community. It develops as quickly as possible, taking account of current accommodation capacity, the local population, and the environment. The development of tourism and new investment in the tourism sector should not detract from tourism itself. New tourism facilities should be integrated with the environment.


The world is a beautiful place and we want to do our bit to preserve nature so that it can be cherished in coming days. Sustainable tourism does not mean “No fun”. It merely means that one can travel and cherish the places while positively contributing to the conservation of ecosystems, culture and up-liftman of low-income groups. One can explore places both physically and spiritually through responsible tourism.

We are promoters of Eco-Tourism, aimed at conserving the balance of Mother Nature through ecologically sustainable travel.

“Take Nothing but Memories,
Leave nothing but footprints!”

– Chief Si ahl

Videography credits : traveldotearth

Why Ladakh needs Sustainable Tourism?

Since the opening of the tourism industry in Ladakh in the year 1974, tourist influx in Ladakh increased every year but after 2007 the number of tourists visiting every year grown beyond expectation. Due to the unique picturesque, distinct culture, wildlife and mesmerizing landscape Ladakh attracts people from different corners of the world. It is one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in India. Every year nearly 300000 to 350000 tourists visit Leh.

While growing tourist numbers have provided a boost to the economy of Ladakh, several issues pertaining to environment, culture and tradition are being noted.

Ladakh is a cold desert that gets its fresh water supply from the melting of the glaciers during the summer. Due to climate change and global warming, the glaciers are shrinking, so is the supply of fresh water from these glaciers in Ladakh. In the coming years, this limited water supply in the region will not be enough to support the heavy demands of tourism and the needs of the local people.

Increase in the number of motorized vehicles (cars/taxis) used to take the tourists to their destinations is affecting the quality of air in this desert that does not have enough green vegetation cover to counter the effects of pollution.

With the growing tourist influx, tourism industry has become a lucrative option for earning money. The youth from the villages is migrating towards the town of Leh city leaving behind the sustainable farming practises that were responsible for making people of villages self-reliant. With less people now engaged in farming, the villages depend on external supply to procure fruits, vegetables, and grains. To meet the local demand, farmers are increasingly becoming dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The famous tourist destination such as Pangong Lake and Khardongla pass are facing a big threat because of the mass tourism, lack of waste management and disposal facilities. With the current infrastructure and sewage treatment facilities, Ladakh is also not prepared to tackle the amount of waste and sewage that is being generated due to the increased numbers of tourists in the recent years.

The growing issue and concern can’t just be blamed to the tourist as locals are equally responsible. Seeing the economic boom and potential of the region, commercial establishments mushroomed on the agricultural lands, encroachment on the protected areas thus disturbing wildlife and mounting garbages everywhere.

Pangong Tso Lake, which gained immense popularity after the much acclaimed film Three Idiots, has spiralled up tourism in Ladakh region, in turn, threatening the local wildlife and habitat. Between Leh and Pangong Tso Lake lies Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary where a small patch of green grass is the habitat of Himalayan Marmot, the longest hibernating mammal in the world. Increase number of tourisms attracts poaching of these endangered animals.

The uncontrolled measures and absence of management have massively contributed to the destruction of the fragile eco-system. Tourism industry being the major economic source for the people, focus is needed to make it sustainable.