
Leh is surrounded by three gorgeous high-altitude lakes, Tso Moriri, Tso Kar and Pangong Tso that look like sapphires embedded in the ground. A natural wonder that leaves tourists in awe is the Magnetic Hill on the outskirts of the city. It is said to defy gravity as it tends to pull vehicles upwards. Leh is a prominent Buddhist centre and is dotted with several important monasteries. Tourists can set on a monastery trail and admire the ancient cultures of the region come alive in various paintings adorning the walls while indulging in meditation and other therapeutic and spiritual activities.

Leh is the erstwhile capital of the kingdom of Ladakh and boasts a legacy that is reflective of its rich history. With the 17th-century Leh Palace at its heart, which is an excellent example of medieval Tibetan architecture, the city enjoys a smattering of heritage sites that stand tall to this day. One of the best ways to experience the culture of Leh is to check into a homestay where the host will leave no stone unturned in immersing guests in Ladakhi culture. Another great way to ‘taste’ the region is by means of its fresh produce: apricots, apples, and other fruits and vegetables that can be found in its orchards and markets.

Gata Loops is a series of 21 hairpin bends that leads to the top of one of the highest motorable passes in Ladakh region that is Lamayuru.


Videography credits: Kunal Dhingra Production